Eric Graves Memorial Junior High

Safe Arrival 902 435-8325

To report your child's absence please call 902-435-8325

Did you know:

• If your child is 20 minutes late every day, he/she will have missed 12 days of instruction by the end of the school year?
• If your child misses only 2 days of school per month, he/she will have missed one month worth of instruction by the end of the school year?
• Students who are absent 15 days of school each year will have lost 1 year of instruction by the end of Grade 12?
• Students who attend school regularly tend to be more engaged in their learning, feel more connected to the school, and have better academic outcomes than those who miss a lot of school.


Families can support good attendance at school by:

• setting a regular bedtime and morning routine.
• getting clothes and backpacks ready the night before.
• encouraging a positive attitude about school.
• communicating regularly with your child's teachers
• talking with your child about his/her school day.
• taking part in school events and activities to show your child that you value school and education.
• planning vacations and appointments around the school schedule whenever possible.
• Making sure your child goes to school, unless he/she is truly sick.

We Can Help
Let the school know right away if there is a problem of concern.  We can work together to get attendance back on track, or prevent an attendance problem from beginning.