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Important Dates
- Dec. 16th-20th - Spirit Week - Please check Daily Announcements for further details.
- Dec. 17th - EGMJH Holiday BAND concert
- Dec. 20th - Last Day before Holiday Break
- Jan. 2nd. - Professional Development Day for Staff - No Classes
- Jan. 3rd. - First Day Back for Students after break - WELCOME BACK!!
- Feb. 17th - NS Heritage Day - No School
- Mar. 7th - Assessment & Evaluation Day - No Classes
- Mar. 10th-14th - Spring Break - ENJOY!
- April 2nd - Report Cards will be sent home electronically
- April 3rd - Professional Development Day for Staff in the morning - No Classes
- April 3rd - Parent-Teacher Progress Conferences 1:00 pm - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 7:00pm
- April 17th - Gr.7 Immunization Clinic (and pick-up clinic)
- April 18th - Good Friday - No School
- April 21st - Easter Monday - No School
- April 30th - PD Day - No Classes
- May 19th - Victoria Day - No School
- June 27th - Assessment & Evaluation Day - No Classes
- June 29th - Last Day of School - Report Cards go out electronically - Early Dismissal (Happy Summer!)